Visible light accelerates skin wound healing and alleviates scar formation in mice by adjusting STAT3 signaling
In mice keratinocytes, upregulation of PI3Kβ by red light promotes the p-STAT3 and accelerates skin wound healing by; ROS induced by blue light inhibits the p-STAT3 and alleviates scar formation.
Bioinspired: A hardware implementation replicating human visual pathways.
A human visual pathway-replicated hardware is constructed with split floating gate 2D tungsten diselenide crossbar arrays and related peripheral circuits, achiving functions of color-blindness processing, shape recognition, and self-driven motion tracking.
Fire is already Weakening the Worlds Carbon Sinks
As global temperatures hit 1.3°C, fires are already disrupting ecosystems and limiting their ability to absorb carbon. Climate policy must recognize how fires affect remaining carbon budgets as well as fires impact on people and the planet, even before reaching the Paris Agreement's 1.5°C target.